There are numerous ways to bring off-market properties to you, but print marketing is one of the easiest and most affordable strategies. Below you’ll learn what materials to consider, what information to include, and how to target the right audiences to begin building your funnel.
What to Include on Your Marketing Materials
Print marketing is only effective when done correctly. That’s why it is important to have a checklist of relevant information that you can double-check before you go to print. This includes how to contact you or find out more information.
We recommend you include your:
- Name
- Company name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Company Website URL
- Interest in purchasing their property
Next, you’ll need to know how to build distribution list of where to send your marketing materials to. Fortunately for you, all of this is available and for free! The Census Bureau is a great place to start – they publish multiple lists of demographic statistics including median household income, unemployment rates and other factors that could help you create a list of owners who may want to sell their house(s). You can also compare lists to previous years to see if houses are going up in value in certain neighborhoods. People are typically more willing to sell their properties in a booming market meaning you can use this data to get the jump on a hot neighborhood.
Now that you know what to include and how to find distribution lists, let’s go over some of the types of print materials that you can utilize.
Direct Mailers
Sending direct mail is a great way to generate leads and new investment deals. The mailers can be standardized postcards or personalized letters, as long as it has a clear message about your interest in that property. After you’ve designed your mailers, create a list of prospective properties or areas that would be good for rehabbing and send them out! Sure, mailers sound outdated in a primarily digital age, but often times it is the only way to reach property owners.
Door Hangers
Distributing door hangers about your interest in purchasing off-market properties is an easy way to get your name out there. Create a simple and easy to read template with your basic contact information (using the list above). Even if the owner isn’t considering selling at that time, they may keep your contact info just in case they decide to sell at a later date.
Bandit Signs
You know those bright signs you see at an intersection saying, “WE BUY HOMES” with an 800-number underneath that? These are “bandit signs.” They get their name because they are illegal in some cities and if caught posting them, you could be fined. These signs can give you a lot of bang for your buck – they are relatively cheap and once you place them in a busy intersection or other high-traffic areas, you can kick back and wait for the calls to roll in.
If you decide to post bandit signs, here are 3 tips:
- Make sure they meet your county’s regulations on size and location
- Put them out on Friday nights and take them down on Sunday nights
- If placed on a post, secure the sign higher up so it is harder to take down
Want the exposure without the risk? Try to post the signs on your property, a friend’s property, or a property you’re currently working on – these signs are much less likely to be taken down.
Using flyers is a simple way to bring deals to you without a lot of effort. They are relatively inexpensive (often cheaper in bulk) and can be kept straight-forward in their design.
Ideally, you don’t want to overwhelm your reader with too much information on a single handout but they need to grab the attention and convey a very simple message of your interest in purchasing their property. Flyers are customizable and easy to create, but always make sure to put all your contact info in an aesthetically pleasing way that is concise and easily understood.
After creating your flyers, deciding where you are going to post them is key. Make sure your flyer is placed somewhere it will get a good exposure, like on bulletin boards at grocery stores, local office buildings, title company offices, and small business that could benefit from that network, like landscaping companies.
If you are still having trouble finding your investment project, stay positive and try new designs for your material or switch up the type of print marketing material you are using. It can sometimes be a lengthy process but the return will be worth it in the end.